Question 5/20 - SC&C requirements, applications and services
(Continuation of part of Q20/5 and part of Q25/16)
MotivationComprehensive strategies to implement Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C) are emerging around the globe as a response to the challenges posed by the rapid urbanisation. This involves the integration of information communication technologies (ICTs) into all aspects of city planning and operation. Acting as a platform, ICTs improve the efficiency of a city’s functions by enabling gathering of pertinent information and interconnecting the multitude of different domains. This would allow the concerned municipalities, the communities and the citizens to make better informed decisions, thereby facilitating the integration of city services and cooperation across different sectors.
Question This Question intends to study: SC&C related ecosystem, applications, services and use cases; studies that are directly related to SC&C including, inter alia, smart grids, water, mobility, logistic, waste, healthcare, e-government, emergency telecommunications, education, transport, utilities, etc.); basic and high-level requirements, characteristics, and general capabilities of SC&C; ICT requirements and the related communications technologies to be taken into account when designing smart city services; efficient service analysis, strategic planning, deployment and implementation of SC&C, taking into account different needs of developed and developing countries; and security, privacy and trust of IoT systems, services and applications for SC&C.
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
Which will be the SSC&C related ecosystems, applications and use cases including, inter alia, its characteristics, high-level requirements and general capabilities?
- Which new Recommendations should be developed for definition and analysis of service efficiency and effectiveness of SC&C and its strategic planning, deployment, implementation opportunities and diverse needs of different geographic areas, of developed and developing countries?
- Which new Recommendations should be developed for requirements, guidelines, and best practices linked to standards, to help cities deliver services through ICT and enable smooth and viable modernization of present SC&C services?
- Which new Recommendations should be developed to identify the ICT requirements and the related communications technologies, to be taken into account when designing smart city services?
- Which new Recommendations should be developed for Quality of Service (QoS) and end-to-end performance for IoT and its applications in SC&C;
- Collaboration with which standards developing organizations (SDOs) would be necessary to maximize synergies and harmonization of the existing standards related to SC&C?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
Developing Recommendations on ecosystem and use cases related to the ICT perspective of SC&C;
- Developing Recommendations for the analysis of service efficiency and effectiveness of SC&C, including its strategic planning, deployment, implementation opportunities and diverse needs of different geographic areas, of developed and developing countries;
Developing Recommendations that are directly related to SC&C including, inter alia, smart grids, water, mobility, logistic, waste, healthcare, e-government, emergency telecommunications, education, transport, utilities, etc.);
- Developing guidelines, methodologies and best practices to help cities and communities (including rural areas and villages) deliver smarter ICT services, with a view of addressing their development challenges;
- Developing Recommendations on services delivery (through ICT), to enable smooth and viable modernization of present SC&C services;
- Providing the necessary collaboration for joint activities in this field within ITU and between ITU-T and SDOs conducting relevant work on SC&C, consortia and fora;
- Developing studies on security, privacy and trust of IoT systems, services and applications for SC&C;
- Coordination with Question 4/20 on IoT applications and services will be carried out.
RelationshipsRecommendations:Questions:Study Groups:-
ITU-T (e.g. considering their lead study group role), ITU-D and ITU-R Study Groups as appropriate
This Question will collaborate with ITU-T SG17 on issues related to security aspects
- This Question will collaborate with ITU-T Study Group 16 on issues related to e-health, ITS and e-education.
Other bodies:-
CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Coordination Group ‘Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities’ (SSCC-CG)
- ETSI TC Smart M2M
- IEC TC 111
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SG Smart Cities
- ISO TC 268 SC1