Question 12/15 - Transport network architectures
(Continuation of Question 12/15)
Transport network architecture Recommendations (G.800, G.805 and G.809) and technology specific network architecture Recommendations (G.803, G.872, G.8010, G.8110, G.8110.1 and I.326) have been established and are widely used. As operating experience is gained with employing current transport network technologies and new technologies evolve (e.g. variable size packets, high-speed transport networks), new Recommendations, or enhancements to existing Recommendations need to be developed, in close cooperation with the standardization activities on transport network systems and equipment. The operational aspects of networks are becoming more important. Packet transport networks offer more degrees of freedom than circuit switched networks. Therefore the operational aspects of networks should be considered to ensure that they are addressed in a way that is architecturally sound and avoids unnecessary options. Moreover, requirements for enhanced control interfaces to and within the transport network need to be studied.
The Requirements and Architecture of the Automatically Switched Optical Network (G.8080) have also been developed to enhance the capability to manage connections in the transport networks. This architecture requires enhancement to support more advanced applications.
The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of his Question, fall under its responsibility: G.800, G.803, G.805, G.809, G.872, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8080/Y.1304, G.8110/Y.1370, G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 and I.326.
What new or modifications to existing Recommendations are required to:
refine and enhance the specification of Transport Network Architecture, including enhancements to G.800, G.872, G.8010, G.8080, G.8110 and G.8110.1, including operational aspects and implications of the evolution of photonic technologies to support additional flexibility within the transport network?
refine and enhance Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) Architecture and Requirements, including enhancements to Recommendation G.8080?
explore the relationship between the Transport Network Architecture and applications such as computing and storage?
explore the implications of multi-technology and multi-layer integration, the potential for network simplification and the consequent impact on the network architecture and existing standards?explore the relationship between the application of the Transport Network and networks that provide services (e.g. the access network)?
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
Transport networks that offer circuit switching capability including photonic switching technology
Transport networks that offer packet switching capability, including packet switching in the photonic layer
Converged multi-technology and multi-layer transport networks
The convergence of core and access technologies
Support of point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint transport services
The dynamic behaviour of resources in the network (e.g. link speed change)
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
Maintenance of Recommendations I.326, G.803, G.805 and G.809,
Refinement and enhancement of Recommendations G.800, G.872, G.8010, G.8080, G.8110 and G.8110.1
Q2/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q10/15, Q11/15, Q13/15 and Q14/15
Study Groups:
Standardization bodies, forums and consortia:
IETF on Optical Control Plane Issues and MPLS-TP
IEEE 802 on Ethernet Issues
MEF on Ethernet Issues
OIF on Optical Control Plane and emerging control plane technologies
TM Forum on Management and Control Issues
Broadband Forum (BBF) on transport network issues including MPLS-TP