ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Question 6/3

Question 6/3 - International Internet Connectivity including relevant aspects of IP peering, regional traffic exchange points, cost of provision of services and impact of transition from IPv4 to IPv6

There is a rapporteur group on IIC within WP1, and recent supplements have been approved to D.50. 
There is a Joint rapporteur group on transition to IPv6.
These are key mandates of the group, and reflect WTSA-12 outcomes.

Study the high cost of international internet connectivity (including IP peering, Regional Traffic Exchange Points, and the cost of provision of services) and  study the economic impact of transition from IPv4 to IPv6 

Understand the basis of the cost of international Internet connectivity, and identify factors contributing to high costs.
Identify mechanisms for reducing costs of IIC
Identify costs associated with migration to IPv6 and develop scope and methodology for monitoring the impact of IPv6 transition  on international telecommunications services and networks

ITU-T D.50
ITU-T D.50 Supplements
Regional organizations