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Organizations recognized according to Recommendations ITU-T A.4, A.5 and A.6

List of archived organizations

NOTE – In the following table, "Eval" indicates organizations currently under evaluation.

Forum/Consortium Qualified Reference
A.4 A.5 A.6
3GPP (The 3rd Generation Partnership Project) x SG15-R24 (2020-09)
applying ITU-T A.5 §7.3
ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) x x TSAG-TD87 (2010-02)
AIOTI (Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation) x SG20-R4 (2023-02)
ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) x x TSAG-R5 (2001-03)
ASTM International Eval SG20-TD550 (2023-02)
ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) x x TSAG–R40 (2004-07)
ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) x x TSAG– R40 (2004-07)
AVS (Audio-Visual coding Standard working group) x x TSAG-TD368 (2007-02)
Bluetooth (Bluetooth SIG) x SG16-R7 (2013-11)
Broadband Forum x x
Cablelabs x SG9-R3 (2014-09)
CalConnect (Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium) x SG2-R12 (2019-02)
CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) x x TSAG-TD55(2002-06)
CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) x x SG15-R33 (2012-09)
CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) x x COM17– R62 (2012-09)
CTA (ConsumerTechnology Association) x x TSAG-TD619 (2008-07)
ex CEA
ECMA International (European Computer Manufacturer's Association) x x TSAG-R5 (2001-03)
ETIS (e-and telecommunication information services) x TSAG TD55 (2002-06)
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) x x
FIDO (Fast IDentity Online Alliance) x SG17-R1(2018-04)
GHG PI (Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative) Eval Eval Requested by SG5
GSM Association (Global System for Mobile Communications Association) x TSAG-TD263 (2006-07)
HL7 (Health Level 7) x SG16-R7 (2013-11)
Home Gateway Initiative x x TSAG-TD368 (2007-02)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) x x TSAG-R39 (2000-06)
IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) x SG16-R7 (2013-11)
INATBA (International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications) x SG16-R28 (2021-04)
IPv6 Forum x TSAG-TD72 (2001-11)
ISOC/IETF (Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force) x TSAG-R21 (1998-09)
JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) x x TSAG-R5 (2001-03)
JEDEC (JEDEC Solid State Technology Association) x SG5-R8 (2020-05)
JLabs (Japan Cable Laboratories) x x SG9-R9 (2011-11)
Kantara Initiative x x TSAG-TD185 (2011-02)
Khronos Eval Pending from Khronos confirmation on the conditions (SG9-TD508)
LoRa Alliance x SG20-R19 (2021-10)
MEF x x TSAG-TD145 (2003-02)
NFC (Near Field Communication Forum) x SG16-R7 (2013-11)
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) x x TSAG-TD72 (2001-11)
NRO (Number Resource Organization) x TSAG-TD368 (2007-02)
OASIS (Advancing open standards for the information society) x x TSAG-TD55 (2002-06)
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) x SG11-R22 (2015-04)
OIDF (OpenID Foundation) x x COM17-R30 (2014-09)
OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) x x TSAG-TD55(2002-06)
OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) x x TSAG– R40 (2004-07)
OMG (Object Management Group) x x
oneM2M x SG20-R1 (2022-07)
applying ITU-T A.5 §7.3
PRIME Alliance x SG15-R24 (2020-09)
SAE (SAE International) x x TSAG-TD407 (2018-12)
SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) x x COM9-R25 (2000-05)
SDL Forum Society (System Design Languages/ Specification and Description Language) x TSAG-TD72 (2001-11)
SIA (Secure Identity Alliance) x SG17-R10 (2022-09)
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) x x TSAG-TD368 (2007-02)
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) x x TSAG-R33 (2000-02)
TM Forum (TeleManagement Forum) x x TSAG-TD55 (2002-06)
TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development Society India) x SG20-R1 (2022-07)
TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) x x TSAG-TD72 (2001-11)
TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) x x TSAG-R39 (2000-06)
ULE (Underwriters Laboratories Environment) x x SG5-R7 (2015-10)
UNICODE (The Unicode consortium) x x TSAG-TD135 (2005-11)
USB-IF (Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum) x SG16-R7 (2013-11)
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) x x TSAG-TD55 (2002-06)
ZigBee Alliance x SG16-R7 (2013-11)