Dear Excellencies, Mr Chairman,
1. On behalf of the Brazilian delegation I want to thank the Government of UAE for the warm and kind reception once again in this astonishing city of Dubai. We are in a very appropriate country for treating telecommunication development. Here, the transformations are strong and I am sure that this development path followed by the United Arab Emirates will serve as inspiration for many of us.
2. First, Mr Chairman, please allow me to make a historical reference. On March 31st, exactly 50 years ago, Brazil entered in a period of political repression and loss of democratic values. The democracy was recovered 20 years later and since then values of transparency, accountability, social and economic inclusion are the basis of our democracy and reflected in every internal or foreign policies we establish.
3. Four years ago at the 5th Development Conference Brazil exposed some of its most important actions to achieve the great challenges imposed by a continental country, both in size and problems. Much has been done since then in the telecommunications industry. There is still much to be done.
4. As most of the population is already covered by the telecommunication services, we must strive to improve quality at affordable prices. Telephones are now widely spread but we have to seek this same expansion in regard to the access of fixed and mobile Internet.
5. While many citizens already have Internet access, we need to expand the access to everyone. And when we allow those currently unconnected to the Internet to finally be connected, we need to be ready to transform this access into a tool that enable productivity, improves access to services and goods while we create opportunities for innovation and allow access to fun, without distinction or segregation.
6. Needless to say, bringing access to ICTs will be a public policy priority for many years. And this will be for a reason that we all know: ICTs are one of the main engines for the development in the modern world. And if we really want ICTs to serve this noble purpose we have to implement adequate policies and regulations, create an environment that enables and encourages investments, improve physical infrastructure, guarantee access to technology, define universally accepted standards and, more importantly, foster the willingness to consume - which only emerges when one realizes that technologies are really useful.
7. And it is with respect to the use and usefulness of the networks that we are currently facing this great and interesting debate globally. Given that current technologies are comprehensive in scope and possibilities, some have been using it for distinct and sometimes illegal purposes. The danger of the illegal use of ICTs, such as spam, malware, spying, hacking, to say a few, is the creation of an environment of distrust and generalized retraction where the positive network externalities are lost or worse, end up concentrated in one or few players.
8. With this context in mind Brazil submitted to this Conference its own priority topics:
I. Optimization of BDT structure and activities
II. Maintenance of Questions and topics of study
III. cybersecurity and Internet related issues including WSIS +10 review process
IV. Development of reliable indicators and statistics
V. Strengthening the capacity-building activities
9. We strongly believe that multilateral and multi-stakeholder fora provide enabling environments for the discussion of issues that affect us all and that coordination among those many existing institutions dealing with ICTs should be sought, even if it takes considerable time and further efforts to consolidate. And it is in this sense that we understand that ITU, in particular the D Sector, should continue fulfilling its role as a leading agent and facilitator of the lines of action mandated by the WSIS vigorously and with the participation of all ITU members.
10. Thank you Mr Chairman and we look forward to share our views with our colleagues in the coming days.