Statement in French ¦ Arabic
Mister Chairman of the Conference
Mister General Secretary of the International Union of Telecommunication
Honorable Ministers
Directors of the International Union of Telecommunication departments
Distinguished delegates
Ladies and gentlemen
I am deeply honored and delighted to participate in this World Telecommunication Development Conference, which is held in the beautiful city of Dubai. On behalf of myself and the Algerian delegation, I would like to sincerely thank the authorities of the United Arab Emirates and the people of this brotherly country for their warm welcome and for the exceptional support and coordination that has gone into facilitating this Conference.
Since its accession to the International Telecommunication Union in May 1963, Algeria has had continued interest in its work and has always supported approved international standards and recommendations, such as those provided by the ITU, in order to design and implement its telecommunications networks infrastructures.
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen
In the year 2000, the Algerian Post and Telecommunications sector underwent a significant reform. This reform spurred the enactment of the 2000-03 Law, which defines general rules of postal services and telecommunications.
Today, the result of this reform has led to the creation of a fully open market, which has come to embrace the significant introduction of new information and communication technologies. Thus, this reform reflects the willingness and commitment of my country to establish an inclusive information society and to build a digital economy based on knowledge.
With regard to this commitment, it is important for Algeria to be part of international institutions for studies and standardization, such as the ITU.
Algeria has been and remains a willing participant in events organized by the ITU, including various meetings as plenipotentiaries, the World Summit on the Information Society, the World Radio communication Conference (WRC), the World Assembly of Standardization and the World Conference development of Telecommunications, among others.
In addition, Mr. Chairman, Algeria continues to make a positive contribution to the initiatives taken by the ITU's Development office, notably to the research and studies performed by this office. It has also been a great honor for Algeria to serve as Chair of the 2nd study commission starting from the WTDC 10, and to contribute to the works of the ITU Council's groups responsible for the child online protection.
Today, in the occasion of the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014, we offer our full support to the efforts of the ITU and would like to express our thanks to Secretary General Dr Hamadoune Touré and the Director of Development Mr Ibrahima Sanou for their excellent work in preparing and arranging this conference, which undoubtedly will be a success.
Within the framework of the objectives and programs of the three ITU Sectors, Algeria reiterates its commitment to participate in the progress of initiatives underway, in terms of contributing to the work of study commissions, hosting and organizing of specialized seminars, etc ...
The action plan that will be adopted during the Dubai 2014 conference will guide the future activities of the ITU's Development office for the next four years.
Within this context and among notable contributions that will be presented by my country, I would like to call out a resolution on e-Trust and an amendment to a resolution on the use of ICT for disaster management.
An environment of electronic trust that goes beyond country borders must be guaranteed. The digital identification of the parties involved in these transactions is a prerequisite to their generalization. Furthermore, it has become a necessity to standardize the use of ICT for emergency and disaster management, such as those coping with climate change, in order to provide targeted assistance to the least developed countries (LDP) and to countries with specific challenges.
There are also some other questions that retain our attention like the system and equipment conformity and interoperability that should be exanimated, and also the issue concerning the benefits of using ICT to enhance safety road.
To conclude, Mr. Chairman, in view of the various upcoming events organized by the ITU at both the local and regional level, Algeria stands ready to lend its support to the various sectors of the ITU.
In hopes of a great success to the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014.
Thank you kindly for your attention.