Episode #17: Emergency responses in smart cities: Driving resilience in the post-pandemic era
Cities worldwide are seeking to adopt strategies to rebound from the COVID crisis. Digital technologies were implemented during the peak of the COVID outbreak to support the development of models to predict the spread of the virus, coordinate lockdowns, report symptoms, trace vaccination patterns, and provide remote assistance. Driving digital transformation in smart cities can serve as a vehicle for the implementation of emergency communications and public health frameworks, coupled with surveillance mechanisms supported by technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide timely responses to future epidemics and pandemics, thereby enhancing the resilience of the overall urban ecosystem.
This Webinar explored how digital technologies can be leveraged to manage future health related disasters to make smart cities more resilient to pandemics and epidemics. It also showcased use-cases relating to the application of emerging technologies like AI and IoT in dealing with the COVID pandemic. The Webinar also featured standout use-cases of smart city technologies that helped during the COVID crisis, and can also help in potential futures public heath crises.
Target Audience
Participation is open to the ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, ITU Academia, and to any individual from a country that is a member of the ITU and who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation to the webinar is free of charge.
Note: The views and opinions expressed by the presenters during this event are solely those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent, reflect, or constitute the official stance, policy, or position of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or its secretariat.
14:00 – 14:15
Opening remarks
- Bilel Jamoussi, Chief of Study Groups, TSB, ITU
14:15 – 15:25
Session 1: Smart public health emergency management
Moderator: Bastiaan Quast, Consultant, ITU
- Leonidas Anthopoulos, WG3 Leader, U4SSC Thematic Group on City Platforms [Presentation]
- Ana Riviere-Cinnamond, PAHO/WHO representative in Panama, PAHO [Presentation]
- Maxim Interbrick, COO, SPARROW [Presentation]
Questions & Answers
15:25 – 15:30
Closing remarks
- Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG16 and ITU/WHO FG-AI4H