Episode #10: The role of digital technologies on aging and health
This webinar was part of ITU’s webinar series on Digital transformation for cities and communities.
Episode 10 was jointly organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
There were 737 million people, approximately 9.3% of the world population, aged 65 or over in 2020. Digital technologies are poised to lead the transformation in the healthcare sector and play a significant role in meeting the healthcare needs of an aging population. This webinar explored the opportunities and challenges digital technologies are bringing to the healthcare field. It brought together experts to discuss the importance of digital health, innovation, and inclusion.
Participation in the workshop was free of charge and opened to ITU members, and anyone who wished to contribute to the work.
Note: The views and opinions expressed by the presenters during this event are solely those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent, reflect, or constitute the official stance, policy, or position of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or its secretariat.
Organized by:
Related Information:
Digital transformation for cities and communities Webinar Series
ITU-T Smart Sustainable Cities
ITU-T Study Group 20: IoT and smart cities and communities
Contact: Cristina Bueti
16:00 – 16:05
Opening remarks
- Nasser Al Marzouqi, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 20, ITU
16:05 – 17:55
Session 1: Connecting digital transformation with aging and health
Moderator: Cristina Bueti, Counsellor, ITU
- Patricia Morsch, Technical Officer, Healthy Aging, PAHO [Presentation]
- Roxana Widmer-Iliescu, Senior Coordinator, Digital Inclusion, ITU [Presentation]
- Lisa D’Ambrosi, Research Scientist, MIT AgeLab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich, Chief, Population Unit, UNECE [Presentation]
- Yuka Sumi, Acting Unit Head, Ageing and Health, WHO [Presentation]
- Inga Caesar, Head of Health, Citibeats [Presentation]
Questions & Answers
17:55 – 18:00
Closing remarks
- Tania Marcos, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 20, ITU