(Continuation of part of Question 14/12) Motivation
A major challenge for emerging IP-based networks is to provide adequate
Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) for new multimedia
services and applications. As an example, IPTV is a rapidly emerging new
multimedia service.
The telecommunications industry is working to adopt more flexible
infrastructure to control costs and facilitate the introduction of new services.
Examples are next generation IP networks (NGN) and 3G mobile networks – both of
which exhibit time-varying performance. Measures that predict user-experience
are useful in monitoring and managing time-varying performance and help to
facilitate the rollout, efficient operation and effective service management of
such networks.
The industry is already benefiting from ITU-T recommendations for objective
video quality assessment. Most of the techniques described in these
recommendations are signal based. Signal processing technology can be used to
estimate the contribution of a number of factors affecting the transmission
performance of the complete connection. An example of such recommendation is
The accuracy of such methods (measured by their correlation with the
subjective opinion) is high, but this requires a quantity of memory and
processing power that does not allow their application in all situations.
As far as packetized systems (and more generally, non linear systems) are
concerned, they are currently not covered by ITU-T Recommendations, though there
is some important needs in the industry for such methods. The work on the
development of parametric models that do not access to the video or audio
content of multimedia or audiovisual stream started during last study period
under Q.14/12 with the provisional names P.NAMS (access to basic protocolar
information) and P.NBAMS (similar + access and analysis of information from the
bit-stream). The idea is to adopt a similar approach than the one in P.564 for
performance requirements for models assessing voice transmission quality from
protocol analysis information in IP networks4.
The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this
Question, fall under its responsibility:
P.56, P.561, P.562, P.564
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- How can non-intrusive measurements at the IP layers be implemented and
improved, for instance by taking into account new services (video-telephony,
multimedia streaming) or protocols or transmission layers (e.g. RTCP XR, MPEG
- What relationship exists between the subjective responses of users at the
terminals and the objective measurements made from the point at which the
non-intrusive assessment system is connected?
- What measures give an estimate of the transmission quality of a connection
including the accumulated effects of all technologies (e.g. IP, radio, ATM,
- How can such measures be used to assess, plan and maintain the transmission
quality of networks?
- Define the scope of P.NAMS and P.NBAMS
- Review existing methods and models, and identify missing components
- Define inputs and outputs of P.NAMS and P.NBAMS
- Identification of relevant subjective test methodologies (in co-operation with VQEG)
- Identification of existing subjective test data
- Collection of new subjective test data
- Development of new Recommendations P.NAMS and P.NAMS
- Ensure consistency with development of hybrid models by VQEG
- Considerations on how to help measure and mitigate climate change
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- New Recommendation on non-intrusive evaluation model of multimedia quality
based on IP protocol information (P.NAMS)
- New Recommendation on non-intrusive evaluation model of multimedia quality
based on IP protocol and bit-stream information (P.NBAMS)
- New Recommendation(s) on guidance for the use of P.NAMS and P.NBAMS in
operational contexts.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 12 Work
Recommendations: P.564, G.1000-series, J series recommendations on video
Questions: 13/12
Study groups: ITU-T SG 9, SG 13, SG 16
Standardization bodies: ETSI (STQ, TISPAN), IETF (IPPM, AVT), ATIS (IIF).
Other groups: VQEG, HGI, DSL Forum |