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Question 8/5 – Home Networks
(Continuation of Question 8/5 and part of Question 2/5)


The introduction of high-speed data services to the customer’s premises has the rapid adoption of technologies that allows the distribution of this data within the customer’s premises. This is leading to the emergence of a number of different wireless (e.g., wireless LAN and DECT) and wireline technologies (e.g. LAN as well as technologies designed to exploit existing telephone extension and power distribution wiring) to interconnect a variety of in-home electronic and electrical equipment (such as STB, PC and other household devices).

Moreover, a lot of broadband service, such as Internet Protocol TV and Voice over IP, have introduced to home by Operator. These services has introduced the need for Telecommunications Network Operators to be able to underwrite Quality of Service (QoS) levels, since both services are essentially streamed and hence loss/delay of packets can be immediately apparent to the user as an interruption of the services. EMC issues of broad band services are one of the key factors to ensure the QoS in home networking. Furthermore usage of the frequency band in home is becoming wide and shifting to high frequency range.

These techniques introduce a new family of EMC issues, e.g. clarification of electromagnetic environment, characteristics of cable, cabling in premises, an immunity performance of services to be sensitive to interruption, or immunity performance against wide band disturbances.

This work contributes to a reduction in climate change by developing specifications that allow equipment to operate within this environment without disturbance. The availability of such equipment avoids the unnecessary manufacture and distribution of equipment that is used to replace existing equipment thought to be faulty. It also reduces the subsequent engineer visit required to resolve the ongoing issue.

The following Recommendation, in force at the time of approval of this Question, falls under its responsibility:

  • K.74.


This Question will prepare guidelines for the management of EMC, resistibility and safety issues related to the home network.

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Characterisation of the Electromagnetic (EM) environment created by the close proximity and use of:
    • The mixture and density of ITE, AV and other electrical/electronic equipment;
    • Technologies designed to re-use existing metallic infrastructure, including:
      • Power distribution cabling (i.e. in house-PLC (Power Line Communication) systems)
      • Telephony extension wiring.
    • Radio LAN systems,
    • xDSL systems over internal telephony grade wiring,
    • LAN (Local Area Network) technologies;
  • EMC requirements for telecommunications equipment to be located within this environment, especially for immunity performance of services to be sensitive to interruption and that against broadband disturbances.
  • Studying characteristics of the cable and cabling in premises, as these parameters may affect the immunity performance of the home network devices.
  • Mitigation methods to problems arising from this EM environment.
  • The immunity performance of the home network devices is sometime influenced by the characteristics of the cable or installation of cabling in premises. Therefore, collaboration with Q.1 and 10 needs to be established and the results of Q.1 and 10 should be taking into account.

The outputs of this question could be the base for test techniques and performance criteria under K-series Recommendations.


Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • A new recommendation on immunity performance of home networking devices against broadband disturbances, including an impulsive noise, repetitive electric noise, or etc.
  • A new recommendation on conducted and radiated electromagnetic environment in home networking, with taking into consideration network noise models due to home EM environment.
  • Maintenance or enhancement of Recommendation K.74.

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 5 Work Program (use URL as shown in the table below).




  • K-series


  • 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 16/5

Study Groups:

  • ITU-T SGs 9, 12, 15, 16; IPTV-GSI, and JCA-HN

Standardization bodies:



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Updated : 2009-01-12