Motivation Reducing demand for energy, which may be derived from fossil fuels, is the key
motivator for this Question. The focus is on establishing metrics for collecting
data on energy efficiency for ICTs over the lifecycle, and collecting that data.
The process will be based on questionnaires and the responses will be analysed
and used to populate the methodology work.
The aim will be to highlight the alternative ways to improve energy efficiency.
Detailed discussions on implementation would be the topic for experts in the
appropriate SG/Question.
- What kind of metrics can be developed to collect data on energy efficiency on
- What questions should be asked?
- How should the results of the analysis be expressed?
- What can be learnt from work in other Standardization Organizations?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Develop deliverable on the metrics for data collection on Energy Efficiency
based on the latest deliverable appropriately identified by Q18/5
- To feed these metrics back into the Methodology work (Q18/5)
- Issue Questionnaires on topics of interest in order to collect energy
efficiency related data on relevant network elements
- Establish handbooks related to analysis of questionnaires and practical case
studies on energy saving approaches
- Coordinate with other SGs/Questions and other bodies on a regular basis to
collaborate effectively.
- Q.18/5, Q1/9, Q5/9, Q9/9, Q11/9, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15
Study Groups:
- ITU-T SGs 9, 13, 15 and 16
- SGs in ITU-D
- SGs in ITU-R
Standardization bodies, fora and consortia:
- Other relevant standardization bodies, fora, consortia and other relevant