ITU-T L.1700 series – Low-cost sustainable telecommunication solution in rural and remote areas using WLAN/Wi-Fi for conventional telecom services like voice calling using SIP |
Supplement 59 to ITU-T L-series Recommendations provides a low-cost sustainable solution in rural and remote areas using WLAN/Wi-Fi for conventional telecom services such as voice calling using session initiation protocol (SIP). Access to communication and information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure in rural areas of most developing countries is still a challenge. The inadequacy of crucial infrastructure like electricity in rural and remote areas presents a significant problem. Deployment of telecommunication solutions which are low-cost and low maintenance and that can be deployed easily is an inevitability in such cases. WLAN/Wi-Fi network infrastructure, configured to provide traditional telecom services such as voice calling, being an overall low-cost solution can prove to be viable in such cases in order to provide low-cost sustainable telecommunication.
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