International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) is a year-long
celebration of
taking place in 2009
to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the first recorded astronomical
observations with a
Galileo Galilei and the publication of
Johannes Kepler's
Astronomia nova in the
century. The Year was declared by the 62nd General Assembly of the
United Nations. A global scheme, laid out by the
International Astronomical Union (IAU), has also been endorsed by
body responsible for Educational, Scientific and Cultural matters. The opening
ceremony was held in Paris on January 15–16, 2009. IYA2009 is scheduled to include numerous
global projects and public events. The
IAU also released a book and movie on the
history of the telescope for this event. The International Year of Astronomy
celebrates the first astronomical use of the telescope by
Galileo - a momentous event that initiated 400 years of astronomical
discoveries and triggered a scientific revolution which profoundly affected our
worldview. Now telescopes on the ground and in space explore the Universe, 24
hours a day, across all wavelengths of light. One the major source
of astronomical information is
radio astronomy. Radio astronomy does not
involve the transmission of radio waves in the frequency bands allocated for its
operation, and cannot cause harmful interference to other services. On the other
hand, the received cosmic signals are usually extremely weak, and transmissions
of other services can interfere with such signals. That is why the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU),
a specialized agency of the United Nations and the steward of the global
framework for radio spectrum and satellite orbits, is very much involved in
development and operation of the radio astronomy service.
ITU main activities related to
radio astronomy, are the follows:
ITU through its
Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) provides such essential resources as
radio-frequency spectrum and orbit resources for the radio astronomy service
ITU-R develops and approves
international treaties (the
Radio Regulations) and voluntary standards (ITU-R
Recommendations) that establish the basis for the development and free of
interference operation of radio astronomy
stations on the Earth and in the space;
Radiocommunication Bureau carries out electromagnetic compatibility
analysis, identifies the probable sources of interference and applies
Radio Regulation
procedures in order to protect radio astronomy stations;
ITU-R Study Group 7 (Science Service)
Radiocommunication Assemblies (RAs)
consider and approve and recommendations on the use of radio spectrum and
protection of radio astronomical stations from interference included in
Radio Astronomy (RA) Series of ITU-R
ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) have taken into account the
needs of radio astronomy service to ensure the availability and protection of
radio-frequency bands for radio astronomical observation tools. For example, the
last WRC-07 approved Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-07) 'Compatibility between
the radio astronomy service and the active space services in certain adjacent
and nearby frequency bands';
in accordance with WRC-07
decisions the
Radiocommunication Study Groups carries out the further studies and develop of
ITU-R Recommendations relevant to
the use of radio astronomy;
ITU-R has a special Working Party “Radio Astronomy” studying all related matters
and preparing drafts of ITU-R standards.
Working Party 7D on 'Radio Astronomy'
currently carries out new studies on radio quiet zones for radio astronomy.
They include: study the characteristics of existing radio quiet zones,
protection of these zones, characteristics of the instruments of the radio
astronomy service that have stimulated the development of radio quiet zones,
and characteristics of the electromagnetic environment stimulated the
development of radio quiet zones;
ITU also develops and updates
guidance on the use of radio-frequency spectrum and protection of radio
astronomical stations from harmful interference - the
Handbook on Radio Astronomy (see short description below)
Important decisions taken by
WRCs in the last decade, such as the extension of frequency allocations to
the radio astronomy service between 71 GHz and 275 GHz and recognition of
space-based radio astronomy (as well as others), allow to improve the precision
of radio astronomical observations.
A sample of ITU-R publications:
ITU-R Handbook on Radio Astronomy (2003 edition – new version is under
development) has been developed by experts of
ITU-R Working Party 7D of
Radiocommunication Study Group 7 (Science services) that is responsible for
radio astronomy, and
radar astronomy. The Handbook is not intended as a source book on radio
astronomy, but is concerned principally with those aspects of radio astronomy
that are relevant to frequency coordination, that is, the management of radio
spectrum usage in order to minimize interference between radiocommunication
services. The
ITU-R Handbook on Radio Astronomy introduces the reader to radio
astronomy viewed as a radiocommunication service for the purpose of frequency
coordination. It covers areas such as the characteristics of radio astronomy,
preferred frequency bands for observations, special radio astronomy
applications, vulnerability to interference from other services, and issues
associated with sharing the radio spectrum with other services. Additional
chapters have been included on the searches for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and ground-based radar
astronomy. It is intended to be useful to spectrum managers, radiocommunication
engineers and astronomers.
The United Nations (UN)
62nd General Assembly (in 2007) proclaimed 2009 the International Year of
Astronomy. The
Resolution was submitted by
Galileo Galilei's home country Encourages all Member States, the
United Nations system and all other actors to take advantage of the Year to
promote actions at all levels aimed at increasing awareness among the public of
the importance of astronomical sciences and promoting widespread access to new
knowledge and experience of astronomical observation.
United Nations News Release IAU0702
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)
is an initiative of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
help the citizens of the world rediscover their
place in the Universe through the day and night time sky ‚ and thereby engage a
personal sense of wonder and discovery. All humans should realize the impact of
astronomy and basic sciences on our daily lives, and understand better how
scientific knowledge can contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society.
stimulate worldwide interest, especially among
young people, in astronomy and science under the central theme "The Universe,
Yours to Discover". IYA2009 events and activities will promote a greater
appreciation of the inspirational aspects of astronomy that embody an invaluable
shared resource for all nations.
highlight global cooperation for peaceful purposes
- the search for our cosmic origin and our common heritage which connect all
citizens of planet Earth. For several millennia, astronomers have worked
together across all boundaries including geographic, gender, age, culture and
race, in line with the principles of the UN Charter. In that sense, astronomy is
a classic example of how science can contribute towards furthering international
The IYA2009
is, first and foremost, an activity for the citizens of planet Earth. It aims to
convey the excitement of personal discovery, the pleasure of sharing fundamental
knowledge about the Universe and our place in it, and the merits of the
scientific method. Astronomy is an invaluable source of inspiration for
humankind throughout all nations.
For more information on the International Year of Astronomy 2009 please visit 'About
is featured as a highlight of
Declared World Space Week 09 (Oct 4-10).
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