Dear Readers,
It has
already been some time since you have been following our activities via the
ITU-R e-Flash and we thank you for your interest.
I am
pleased to announce that this edition
'3' of the ITU-R e-Flash is a compilation of excellent articles on some of the most interesting topics
currently being pursued in the Radiocommunication Sector.
First of all, it is worth noting the great success of the main ITU-R events
organized this year: the Space Workshop to discuss the trends in the
international regulations applicable to the space services (Geneva, 6 May 2009),
the WRC-12 Preparatory Meeting (Geneva, 14-16 September 2009, organized
in collaboration with the African Telecommunication Union, and the first joint ITU/WMO Seminar on the Use of Radio for Meteorology
with publication of a joint WMO/ITU handbook.
By their high level of attendance and contribution, these meetings demonstrated
the relevant role played the Radiocommunication Bureau in bringing together the
main players of the sector to discuss ways forward to improve the international
regulatory framework of radiocommunication services and to foster the
utilization of wireless systems in the battle to control climate change.
The selected articles on astronomy, distributed computing and digital TV dwell
on subjects which will certainly interest you as they present expert* opinions on
these exciting subjects seen from the viewpoint of radiocommunication.
* ITU-R Sector experts and management |
The days ahead of us will be full of important events in the
ITU community. TELECOM World 2009 (Geneva, 5-9 October 2009) will
certainly highlight the growing importance of wireless in our daily lives and
showcase the industry solutions for systems providing advance broadband wireless
mobile communications, including IMT-Advanced, broadcasting, including mobile,
ultra High Definition, and 3D TV systems, intelligent transport systems, and
many others.
The ITU Connect the World series will be pursued with the
Connecting CIS Summit (Minsk , 26-27.11.2009), where, as we could see in the
African Summit, wireless communications will play a essential role in the
proposed solutions to support a rapid, region-wide transition to digital
infrastructure and services.
I wish you an enlightened reading and until the next edition!
Valery Timofeev,
Radiocommunication Bureau
International Telecommunication Union
Mr Valery
Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, opening the World
Radiocommunication Seminar (WRS-08)
in Geneva. Photo
credits: ITU / V. Martin
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