Approved at the eleventh Plenary Meeting
The Council,
that Resolution 73 (Minneapolis, 1998) of the Plenipotentiary Conference provided for the holding of a World Summit on the Information Society and requested the Secretary-General to consult the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) of the United Nations on the subject and to report to the Council on the results of that consultation;
that ACC, at its April 1999 meeting, expressed its support for the ITU initiative concerning the organization of such a summit;
that several agencies in the United Nations system have expressed the wish to be associated with the organization of such a summit;
that the Secretary-General had reported on his consultation with ACC to Council-99 and that the Council had instructed him to carry out a feasibility study on the holding of the summit,
with satisfaction that the feasibility study was carried out by the General Secretariat with its own resources;
that a great majority of Member States have expressed keen interest in holding the summit as soon as possible,
noting also with satisfaction
that a number of countries have already expressed their readiness to host the World Summit on the Information Society and preparatory meetings for the summit,
instructs the Secretary-General
to pursue coordination with the other international organizations and with partners concerned (Member States, Sector Members, etc.) with a view to holding the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003; the coordination process will also serve to define precisely the necessary actions and preparations, funding, objectives, an agenda, follow-up and a division of tasks in the light of the areas of responsibility of each of the partners;
in collaboration with the other partners, taking into account the opinions and the different suggestions put forward by Council-2000 to prepare a detailed report for the 2001 session of the Council on the following matters:
the topics to be addressed by the summit and the nature of its output in the light of consultations by the Secretary-General of the other United Nations agencies interested in the preparation and financing of the summit;
to identify the date, duration and venue of the summit;
the ITU contribution which would allow the Union to participate in the summit, including contributions by other agencies, without increasing the contributory unit;
to enter into consultations with the ACC and the countries who have expressed their readiness to hold the summit with a view to taking a decision, if possible by consensus, on the venues for the summit and the preparatory meeting(s) before the end of 2000, in order to enable future host countries to make the necessary arrangements;
to take the necessary actions in preparation for the holding of the summit and the preparatory meeting(s).